Friday, 5 June 2009

Florence and the Machine album cover

This is the album cover i have shot for florence and the machines debut album "LUNGS"... The album is out at the end of the thinks..

Noisettes for Clash

Also just did another shoot for next months Clash with Shingai from Noisettes.. 

KapBamBino for Clash

Did this shoot for KapBamBino for Clash Magazine the other week.. It there album launch on june 16 (i think) at cargo...

Thursday, 4 June 2009

More from Dunguness

on me mateys rolliflex...

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Homemade Tattoo

I did a shoot a while back but it is yet to be published... so i got bored of waiting so i decided to put a shot or two up.. watch this space for the rest of the shoot...



Shoot i did for Platform Magazine recently to view more shots and read the article visit

Cloud forest costa rica

Monday, 1 June 2009




My buddy matthew wilkinson has recently returned from Louisiana... i have missed this dude.. but now he is back.. Before he left
he and dave ashby of rumshabeen fame had just started putting together a script for a dr jerkyl and mr hyde styled protagonist known as PUNK ROCK COP... it seems while matty was away he managed to bump into Mike Judge ( Bevis and Butthead) who applauded the idea so im hoping that within a few months we could start seeing the dream that is PUNK ROCK COP becoming a reality..

in the meantime have a quick glance at dave as the main man


went to Dungeness on a little road trip here are some of those snaps

Florence and the Machine (RABBIT HEART) and Dead Kids (SNAKES) somestills)

hiya so its been a while since my last blog have been supar busy.. here are some shots of things that i have been working on... i just co-directed two videos with tabitha, recently one for Florence and the Machines new single rabbit heart which can be seen here

we also directed the dog days one so check that out to on her myspace

here are some stills from that video that i took on the day... not as many as id liked but

Here are the shots i took while we did the dead kids new vid for snakes which can be seen here